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19Dez20:0022:30The Red Lotus Sign - Cosmic Energy Transmissionby Grandmaster Wei Ling YiONLINE
The Red Lotus Sign Sunday 19 December 8 pm Online energy transmission “Red Lotus Sign” by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi for
Sunday 19 December 8 pm
Online energy transmission “Red Lotus Sign” by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi for all interested; donation from the heart.
Another highlight during the Lotus Festival is the ONLINE energy transmission “Red Lotus Sign – Lian Hua Ying” by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi on the “Lotus Eye”, also known as the Third Eye. This energy transmission is normally reserved for initiated students, but this year the energy transmission will be opened to all who are interested. About this, Wei Ling Yi states:
“The “Lotus Eye” is also called the “Eye of Happiness and Wisdom” and is the gateway to our soul. It is located between the eyebrows deep in the center; a small, fine point, the “capital in the land of the brain” as we call it. This center is a mystical, high-energy point of light that connects with the spiritual power of the soul. If the access to the “lotus eye” is opened, the spiritual power of man and the power of the soul is increased and it is possible to see the truth behind the outer appearances. This power can also support a person in increasing his spiritual abilities, overcoming obstacles and problems, and avoiding accidents.”
With the energy transmission “Red Lotus Sign” that Wei Ling Yi transmits online and through the spiritual plane on Dec. 19, he helps us to open our “lotus eye” and thus our latent abilities so that we can see our path clearly, the path that leads us back to our spiritual home.
“I transmit blissful energies and information to you,
to awaken the spiritual consciousness of your soul, so that the gate of wisdom
wisdom gate within you can open, and you can successfully walk the Great Dao
The online events are offered by the non-profit YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH. We ask for a donation from the heart to support the center and the work of Wei Ling Yi.
YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH | Postbank Berlin
IBAN DE52 1001 0010 0850 5511 00 | BIC PBNKDEFF
Reason for donation (please do not add anything else)
Note: Donations are tax deductible. If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please indicate your full name and address on the transfer. We will then send you a donation receipt.
19. Dezember 2021 20:00 - 22:30(GMT+01:00)
Event has already taken place!