Register here for our YiXue online and presence seminars and lectures

Please click on the event cards!

Learning from Sifu Wei Ling Yi is a unique experience. His talks carry powerful information infused with immense wisdom, love, and compassion. Such information can touch your life on a deep level and effect profound changes. When participating in an event, lecture you’ll learn or deepen your understanding of the universal teachings and tools of YIXUE – a practical and comprehensive approach to unfold the natural potential to develop health, well-being and to live a wisdom guided life.

For information and registration for the seminars and lecturesplease click on the respective event cards!

Current Month


27febAll Day01marPresence Lectures from Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi in Bavariafor all interested

27feb10:1514:00YiXue at the Chinese carnival in Dietfurt a. d. Altmühlpresence event with Chinese drums, dragon runners & 1000 hands dancers - for all interested


27febAll Day01marPresence Lectures from Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi in Bavariafor all interested

15mar(mar 15)16:0019(mar 19)13:00Presence Seminar 100 Children Gong - Bai Tong GongPresence seminar with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi for all interested at the YiXue Education Centre in Nossen - registration is open!

19mar(mar 19)16:0023(mar 23)13:00Presence half-fasting seminar Yi Qi Bi GuPresence basic seminar with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi for all interested – Registration is open!


05apr20:0022:30Online lecture ’ The cultivation´Online lecture by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi - for all interested - on a donation basis - registration is openONLINE

18apr(apr 18)16:0020(apr 20)22:30Online cultivation seminar level I - ’Mi Dai FuTi’ rice bagOnline cultivation seminar level I - with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi for advanced practitioners | the registration is openONLINE


For questions about the registration
please contact our registration team:
Phone: +49 (0) 35242.4888-138