Rice Bag Tapping Technique Yi Qi Mi Dai

16Aug(Aug 16)16:0018(Aug 18)22:30Rice Bag Tapping Technique Yi Qi Mi DaiDetoxify - Cleanse - Energy Build Up - registration is openONLINE


Basic online seminar Yi Qi Mi Dai from 16 – 18 August 2024 | for beginners and advanced

Rice bag tapping technique – Yi Qi Mi Dai

Acupuncture tapping technique with the YiXue herbal rice bag

Effect: Holistic energetic cleansing & energy building: tapping of channels, acupuncture points, organs and energy centers with the patented YiXue herbal rice bag for the expulsion of old energies, blockages and information with simultaneous energy building. Working with the rice bag activates the flow of Qi in the body and opens the energy channels (meridians). Blockages, inflammation, sick Qi and foreign energies can be transformed, self-healing powers can be stimulated and body, heart and soul can be strengthened and protected.

Participation: A YiXue basic seminar for beginners and advanced students with intensive practice, spiritual teachings and energy transmissions by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi.

Fee: 249 Euro per participant

Good to know: Those who have participated in 2 basic Mi Dai seminars (online and/ or YiXue Education Center) can participate in the next advanced rice bag seminar Mi Dai Futi.

Important note for new participants: We ask new participants who have never attended a YiXue seminar with Wei Ling Yi to contact the organizer before registering.

Contact: Waltraud BabbeMAI: lotushaus-preetz@yixue.de  MOBIL +49 (0) 173 530 2066

Registration is open:


Or copy the following link into your browser: https://v2202004119103114941.luckysrv.de:8443/yixueweb/portal



Especially in a time when we are facing many health challenges, the effectiveness of the rice bag shows how helpful this proven YiXue method from the tradition of Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi can be. When we use the tapping technique with the rice bag, we take health into our own hands. We can transform old information and at the same time increase our energy level, which directly correlates with our health.

In each seminar we learn new connections about this great practice and cultivation method. The effective traditional tapping technique enables us to free ourselves from old information. The Qi flow in the body is activated, the energy channels (meridians) are opened and the Qi level is increased. This allows us to transform blockages, inflammatory foci, foreign energies and stressful emotions and states such as tension, nervousness, worry and sadness, relieve and calm our heart. The self-healing powers are stimulated and body, heart and soul are strengthened and protected.

“When we have attained perfect patency, the qi and information will flow freely between heaven and earth, between the soul and the saints, between people and matter. Then our thoughts, our nervous system, our channels will be energetically pervasive and free – like the middle meridian, Ren and Du Mai and the eight extraordinary meridians. When qi can flow freely, all pathways in the body and between heaven and earth are open.” Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi


The YiXue rice bag

For the tapping techniques you need a YiXue rice bag, which can be ordered in the lotus store in the YiXue education center for 36 Euro plus shipping costs. If you need a rice bag, please write an email to lotusshop@yixue.de. If you already have a rice bag, please make sure that it is not older than 6 months, because the power of the contained herbs and the energy are then used up.

Course fee: 249 € per participant; After the seminar you will receive an invoice.

Do you have any questions? Then please contact: Waltraud Babbe Mail: lotushaus-preetz@yixue.de, Mobil: 0049-173 530 2066 or Susanne Ludwig Mail: s.ludwig@yixue.de, Mobil: 0049-171 / 430 12 31

For questions about online registration please contact our registration team: Email: anmeldung@yixue.de Fon: +49(0)35242.4888-138; for questions about technical support: MAIL: online@yixue.de


Friday 16 August

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: Introduction Mi Dai Team and organizational meeting with all participants

8:00 – 10:00 p.m.: Welcome, short meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”; afterwards lecture with energy transmission by Wei Ling Yi

Saturday 17 August

10:00 – 11:15 a.m.: joint online rice bag practice

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: joint online rice bag practice

5:00 – 5:30 p.m.: exchange of experiences, questions & answers

8:00 – 10:00 p.m.: welcome, short meditation “sitting on the lotus”; afterwards lecture with energy transmission by Wei Ling Yi

Sunday 18 August

10:00 – 11:15 a.m.: common online rice bag practice

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: common online rice bag practice

5:00 – 5:30 p.m.: exchange of experiences, questions & answers

8:00 – 10:00 p.m.: Welcome, short meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”; afterwards lecture with energy transmission by Wei Ling Yi

Information for new participants:

Collecting information in the Lower Dan Tian – after each lecture, which always includes an energy transmission, and after each exercise practiced, the energy received, the Qi, is collected and stored in the Lower Dan Tian. The Lower Dan Tian is an energy field three fingers wide below the navel. We collect and store the Qi to be able to use it for our health and holistic development. The mantra that completes the gathering and storing is “Shou Gong Ling – Ling Dao – Gong Bi Shou”.


16. August 2024 16:00 - 18. August 2024 22:30(GMT+01:00)

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