Online lecture ’ The cultivation´

05Apr20:0022:30Online lecture ’ The cultivation´Online lecture by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi - for all interested - on a donation basis - registration is openONLINE


Online lecture  | April 05, 2025 | 8 p.m. – approx. 10.30 p.m.  | on a donation basis for all Interested parties


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**Cultivating Ourselves and Our Lives** is a core discipline in the YiXue culture. A topic that Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi never tires of teaching. He dedicates the April monthly lecture to exactly this topic and introduces it with the following words:

“Life is a journey of practice and self-cultivation, a new form of spirituality and culture for humanity. The new year, according to the lunar calendar, is a special year with a double Spring Festival, a year of great happiness and joy, a year of spiritual practice and self-cultivation for all of us. Everyone in the three-dimensional world is encouraged to cultivate themselves, develop their own personality, and improve their behavior. Therefore, it is important for us to always maintain the spirit of the double Spring within ourselves and to welcome the blossoming and shining of the light of life, the radiant opening of the lotus flowers.

So, who is being cultivated? Of course, we are cultivating ourselves first and foremost. This means cultivating the “self.” And who am I? I am the lotus, the lotus is me. Cultivation means cultivating myself, “being” when the lotus blooms.

The foundation of cultivation and self-cultivation is kindness, mercy, the cultivation of a good heart, good deeds, the development of virtue, teaching people to be compassionate, doing good every day, developing the good heart in life, and cultivating love, virtue, and happiness in life.

Let us all walk the path of the lotus, advancing together on the path of cultivation, to be healthy and live long lives. We send happiness to thousands of families, we send love and compassion to humanity, we send the lotus of peace to the world, and wish for the world to be harmonious, all beings to be united, and the universal teaching of unity to be spread everywhere.”

Background information on the online lecture series with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

Everyone who knows Wei Ling Yi has already experienced it: In his lectures, questions are answered and wishes are fulfilled, even if we only formulate them internally in silence.

Wei Ling Yi works from the moment and the spiritual, higher dimensional level and acts as a channel and energetic catalyst. His special ability is to communicate with the participants through the hearts and from soul to soul and to spiritually receive their current topics and wishes. Anyone who opens up and lets go will receive the right and effective information for them, which vibrates at a high energy level, regulates holistically and initiates healing.

The goal of life cultivation in YIXUE
Through our own life cultivation and in YiXue intensive seminars, we learn to open or strengthen the connection to the cosmos and to work with universal information in order to use it to build up our dynamic life force.

We would be happy to receive a donation

The online lectures are offered by the non-profit YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH. We ask for a donation from the heart to support the center and the work of Wei Ling Yi. Thank you for your support.

You can easily donate via PayPal:


Donation account

YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH   | Postbank Berlin

IBAN DE52 1001 0010 0850 5511 00  BIC PBNKDEFF

Purpose  Donation (please do not add anything else)

Note: Donations are tax deductible. If you would like a donation receipt, please include your full name and address on the transfer. We will then send you a donation receipt.


5. April 2025 20:00 - 22:30(GMT+01:00)

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