The seven coloured lotus pearls join in the dance of the planets

13Aug20:0022:30The seven coloured lotus pearls join in the dance of the planetsOnline Lecture on donation basis by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi


LIVE Online Talk | 13 August | 20 – approx. 22.30 hrs | Donation from the Heart I for all interested parties


All interested people are welcome to learn about and enjoy the unique energy field and working method of Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi; a spiritual lecture with energy transmission for the power and light of body, heart and soul.

TOPIC: “The seven-coloured lotus beads join in the dance of the planets”.

For a few days around 24 June 2022, all the planets of our solar system NEPTUNE – URANUS – SATURN – JUPITER – MARS – VENUS – MERCUR – as seen from the perspective of the Earth – stood in a row. A most rare comic event, one could also say a miracle, the significance of which Wei Ling Yi will further elaborate in his lecture on 13 August to share the still secret knowledge with us. “At this particular time, the magnetic energy field has changed and a high cosmic energy has flowed to the earth.”
This gigantic special planetary constellation contains an auspicious omen, according to Wei Ling Yi, especially at this time of many challenges that cause many people to feel anxious and nervous, it gives us strength and hope. If we learn to connect with, receive and cultivate the sacred cosmic energy of the planets and celestial bodies, we can prevent suffering or even save lives through the great power initiated. And we can solve or even prevent natural and man-made disasters. “May the seven-coloured lotus beads stabilise the world and hearts, and unfold the heavenly natural beauty and peace within us.” Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

The gift of a great master – working in the universal information field

All those who know Wei Ling Yi have already experienced it: in his lectures, which usually do not follow a defined theme, questions are answered and wishes fulfilled, even if we only formulate them inwardly in silence.

Wei Ling Yi works from the moment and the spiritual, higher dimensional level, acting as a channel and energetic catalyst. His special ability is to communicate with the participants through the hearts and from soul to soul and to receive their current issues and wishes spiritually. Those who open up and let go will receive the right and effective information for them, which vibrates at a high energy level, regulates holistically and initiates healing.

The Goal of Life Cultivation in YIXUE
Through our own life cultivation and in YiXue intensive seminars, we ourselves learn to open or strengthen the connection to the cosmos and to work with universal information in order to use it to build up our dynamic life force.



13. August 2022 20:00 - 22:30(GMT+01:00)

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