10Dez20:0022:30Lotus Handby Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
Saturday 10 December 2022 Online lecture with energy transmission “Lotushand” by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi 8 pm, donation from the heart All interested people are cordially invited to participate
Saturday 10 December 2022
Online lecture with energy transmission “Lotushand” by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
8 pm, donation from the heart
All interested people are cordially invited to participate in this special spiritual event.
or copy the following link into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fZDxz9-tRvmMdzdOyacVeA
The “Lotus Hand” is an energetic-spiritual transmission of cosmic energy symbolically from hand to hand, perfect and pure. As we are all connected from soul to soul, it is possible for Wei Ling Yi to transmit this lotus energy via the spiritual level, the YIN level. In this way we can receive his personal blessing: “I will extend my lotus hands to you, wishing you health, happiness, peace and true beauty. Especially in this challenging time of crisis, let us join our hearts and symbolically join our lotus hands:
“From the heart, let us offer our lotus hands to heaven.
May the sun and clarity show themselves.
From our hearts, let us extend our lotus hands to the earth.
May we preserve the beauty of Mother Earth.
From our hearts, let us extend our lotus hands to all people.
May all people prosper and peace unfold in the world.”
Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
The high energy transmission of the lotus hand is a great, heavenly gift that can initiate healing processes and raise the energy level of body, heart and soul.
All interested are welcome!
The gift of a great master – working in the universal information field
All those who know Wei Ling Yi have already experienced it: in his lectures questions are answered and wishes fulfilled, even if we only formulate them inwardly in silence.
Wei Ling Yi works from the moment and the spiritual, higher dimensional level, acting as a channel and energetic catalyst. His special ability is to communicate with the participants through the hearts and from soul to soul and to receive their current issues and wishes spiritually. Those who open up and let go will receive the right and effective information for them, which vibrates at a high energy level, regulates holistically and initiates healing.
The Goal of Life Cultivation in YIXUE
Through our own life cultivation and in YiXue intensive seminars, we ourselves learn to open or strengthen the connection to the cosmos and to work with universal information in order to use it to build up our dynamic life force.
10. Dezember 2022 20:00 - 22:30(GMT+01:00)