Lotus Festival 2020

25Dez(Dez 25)21:3027(Dez 27)22:00Lotus Festival 2020A Feast in Silence & Harmony with Grandmaster Wei Ling YiMoved OnlineONLINE


Lotus Festival 2020

a Feast in Silence and Harmony

Click here to register


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YiXue registration portal: Those who have not yet participated in YiXue online seminars must first register once. Then you can register directly for all further seminars.

We would like to offer English speaking YiXue friends the opportunity to also attend Wei Ling Yi’s three day Ricebag Seminar. Please note!

Voice volume of the English Interpretation: 

Because of the technique of ZOOMs interpretation system, the volume of Sifu Wei Ling Yi’s voice will be low when choosing the English interpretation, but theinterpreters voice will be clearly audible.

Quality of interpretation: 

Our interpreters from German to English are not professionals, but speak English fluently and will do their best to offer you a good translation.

Dear YiXue friends, dear Interested People,

for the first time since Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi started organizing the highest spiritual festival of the YiXue – the Lotus Festival – we cannot celebrate together in one place. But as the last weeks and months have shown, the connection with Wei Ling Yi and with each other in the ONLINE community is very intense, powerful, and effective. So, this year we will experience the Lotus Festival together online for the first time. And to our great joy, all Lotus Friends worldwide will be able to attend Wei Ling Yi’s lectures and the special Lotus Night ceremony. This is also a premiere.

Together we will build up a large, light-filled Lotus energy field with the cosmic primordial power – the Yi Qi – and the energy of Wei Ling Yi. The climax of the three-day Lotus Festival is the high energy transmission of Wei Ling Yi on the Lotus Night, which we celebrate this year from December 25th to 26th; a great heavenly gift to receive our own Lotus – our own highest energy.

The Lotus Night

We traditionally celebrate the Lotus Night on November 11th of the lunar calendar, so this year the Lotus celebration coincides with our Christmas celebration. Every year on 11.11. a cosmic gate opens, through which the primordial energy, the YI QI, can reach us directly: A light-filled stream of blessings that nourishes and regulates us and enables our body to be purified down to the cellular level. It allows our consciousness to be expanded and the light in our souls to be strengthened.

This energy, which is given to us during the Lotus Celebration, can solve bottlenecks, difficulties and obstacles. It promotes our virtue and compassion, serves the well-being and happiness of all participants and their families. It helps to preserve the beauty of Mother Earth and peace in the world.

Participation & Registration

Anyone who is interested and has already gotten to know the basics of the YiXue teaching system can participate. A prerequisite is also the participation in an YiXue intensive seminar or an online event with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi.

Please note: 

We ask all Lotus Festival participants to register separately by email anmeldung@yixue.de, even if they are watching on a shared computer (such as family members, married couples, people in shared apartments, accompanying persons, etc.); please include name, address and with whom you are watching. We ask that everyone who participates pays the seminar fee of € 300. 

In case of cancellations please send an email to: anmeldung@yixue.de 

In order to be able to unfold and stabilize the energy field together with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi and the universal primordial energy of the Yi Qi, we ask that all participants attend all seminar times, unless it is not possible for them for health reasons.

Course fee: € 300 per participant; you will receive an invoice after the seminar.


Preparations for the ONLINE-Lotus Night on December 25th 

For decoration 

  • Candle (gold colored). Please put on a non-inflammable holder
  • Fruit 
  • Flowers

For energetic protection 

red cape approx. 3m long to cover neck, loins and knees

For cleaning  

Take a shower, wash your hair and put on clean, light or white clothes. DiZis (initiated Lotus students), please wear your DiZiscarf. For the Lotus Night, sit down in a quiet and wind-protected place, which you have previously decorated with the golden candle, fruit and flowers. 

On the following 11 days after the Lotus night the reception of your own Lotus is still possible between 23:00 – 01:00 o’clock. If you wish you can meditate during this time. 



Saturday 19 December

17:00 to about 18:30: organizational preparatory meeting for the Lotus Festival; participation obligatory 

Friday 25 December – The Lotus Night  

21:30: Lotus Festival Lecture followed by meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”: RECEPTION OF ONE’s OWN LOTUS at 11 p.m. Energy transmission of the “Lotus Information” and worldwide energy transmission for Earth with Grand Master Wei Ling Yi

Saturday 26 December

10:00 – 11:00 YiXue practice together

16:00 – 17:00 YiXue practice together

20:00 – about 22:00 Teaching of Sifu Wei Ling Yi: Theme “Sitting Stably on Your Own Lotus” – with Energy Transmission and Lotus Hand “Guan Ding” for all participants.

Sunday, December 27th

10:00: YiXue practice together

16:00: YiXue practice together

20:00 Teaching of Sifu Wei Ling Yi: Topic “Cultivating of the Lotus Boat” with following energy transmission of the Lotus information Lian Hua Yin (Red Stamp on the Third Eye) for initiated Lotus Disciples (DiZi) and energy transmission “Lotus Information” for all participants.

For Information and Reminding: The Lotus Reception Position 

Sit on a seat cushion or on a chair (on the first front third). The body is upright and relaxed. The head is straight and the chin slightly tilted to open the vertex – the Bai Hui – so that we are in direct contact with the Yi Qi, the primordial Qi, and the cosmic Lotus. In this way we are upright between heaven and earth. 

Bring your hands together into a lotus bud in front of your heart and go into silence. Imagine a Lotus opening beneath you and golden lights shining from the center of the lotus flower. Your breath flows calmly and gently. The heart is peaceful and serene. The closed hands (Lotus bud) gradually open to a Lotus blossom – the opened Lotus. We look into the light of the Lotus and, according to our own state of mind, place our hands on the thighs with the palms facing upwards. Receive your own Lotus, your own highest light. 

When the meditation is finished, collect your Lotus, the Qi, lights, sounds, colors, and fragrances – all positive phenomena you have experienced – in the lower Dan Tian, three finger breadths below the navel. Repeat the collection three times. At the end, place your hands on top of each other on the lower Dan Tian, women right hand first and men left hand first, to focus and store the energy. We recite the mantra: “Shou Gong Ling, Ling Dao, Gong Bi Shou!“

Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi and all organizers wish you wonderful,
successful Lotus Festival days  
and a Merry Christmas.

Do you have any questions? Please contact: info@yixue.de


25. Dezember 2020 21:30 - 27. Dezember 2020 22:00(GMT+01:00)

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