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LIVE Online Lecture | 12 March | 8 – approx. 10.30 p.m. | on a donation basis The inner sincere Qi – the root of healing
LIVE Online Lecture | 12 March | 8 – approx. 10.30 p.m. | on a donation basis
The inner sincere Qi – the root of healing
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For all interested
All interested people are welcome to get to know and enjoy the unique energy field and the way of working of Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi; a spiritual lecture with energy transmission for the power and light of body, heart and soul.
“Human qi connects with heavenly qi.
If human qi is peaceful and in harmony,
then heaven and earth are also in harmony.
The human heart reflects the heavenly heart.
If the human heart is sincere, then
Heaven and Earth show their true beauty.”
Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
We are all familiar with today’s problems: Worldwide climate and environmental disasters, severe weather, diseases, wars and crises. So it is more important than ever to protect our health and get to the root of disease and the imbalance of Yin and Yang.
Through wind and cold, heat, dampness, dryness and fire, we generate six impure forms of qi that can transform into five low-vibrational toxic forms of energy. If the seven emotions within us – excessive joy, anger, worry, sorrow, grief and fear – are out of balance, they can transform into anger, delusion and greed. In essence, they burden and harm our body and our health and our heart.
“To heal a disease – the heart must first be healed.”
The human Qi gets confused and affects the heavenly Qi and the earthly Qi. According to the law of INSIDE AS OUTSIDE AND ABOVE AS BELOW – humanity thus causes the great chaos in the world. We have lost our balance, so everything in the world is losing balance.
How can we regulate our chaotic qi again? How can we cultivate it into balance and sincerity? In this lecture, Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi will delve into the teachings of heart regulation and teach how we can be stable and at peace in our hearts through these challenging times. How can we expel negative information, become stable and still, and develop our sincere qi? How can we keep peace in our heart to radiate our light to the world?
If the inner qi is sincere, then the person is also sincere, because everything begins in the heart. If our thoughts, mind and emotional heart are sincere, then the human being is also sincere. This is the root of all healing. The sincere qi within us carries the spiritual power with which we can heal ourselves.
All those who know Wei Ling Yi have already experienced it: In his lectures, which usually do not follow a defined theme, questions are answered and wishes fulfilled, even if we only formulate them inwardly in silence.
Wei Ling Yi works from the moment and the spiritual, higher dimensional level, acting as a channel and energetic catalyst. His special ability is to communicate with the participants through the hearts and from soul to soul and to receive their current issues and wishes spiritually. Those who open up and let go will receive the right and effective information for them, which vibrates at a high energy level, regulates holistically and initiates healing.
The goal of life cultivation in YIXUE
Through our own life cultivation and in YiXue intensive seminars, we ourselves learn to open or strengthen the connection to the cosmos and to work with universal information in order to use it to build up our dynamic life force.
Participation in the YiXue online lectures is on a donation basis.
The online lectures are offered by the non-profit YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH. We ask for a donation from the heart to support the centre and the work of Wei Ling Yi. Thank you very much for your support.
Donation account
YiXue Education Centre gGmbH | Postbank Berlin
IBAN DE52 1001 0010 0850 5511 00 BIC PBNKDEFF
Reason for donation (please do not add anything else)
Please note: Donations are tax deductible. If you would like a donation receipt, please state your full name and address on the transfer. We will then send you a donation receipt.
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12. März 2022 20:00 - 22:30(GMT+01:00)
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