YiXue Life Cultivation

Life cultivation is the central aspect in the teaching of the YiXue culture. It goes back to the millennial tradition of the Great Lotus system and includes a path of self-healing and self-awareness to be healthy on all levels of being, which comprises body, heart and soul. The great aim for every individual is to gradually develop the personal level of energy and consciousness to a high, radiant level through their own practice and cultivation methods, in order to develop their full potential and soul power.
Life Cultivation
Even at the very beginning, the person involved in the process quickly realizes that sincere effort and self-exploration are the keys to success: Regular practice, objective self-observation and patience with oneself, as well as trust in the teacher’s support form the basis. Those who practice regularly start to discover which factors in oneself and in relation to one’s environment are unhealthy and inharmonious. Increasing understanding and realization will develop of how the potential for health and self-realization can unfold through the connection to the cosmos.
Viewed holistically, the teaching has a yang level of outer practice and patterns of exercises and an invisible yin level of learning by the heart. This yin level is of particular importance in the YiXue Culture and is referred to as “Teaching without words”. It is the traditional level of the Master’s transmission of knowledge and wisdom to the disciple, which takes place without words. It is a teaching from heart to heart and soul to soul.
The process
of transformation
First of all, this path requires a continuous internal cleansing and transformation process to resolve physical, mental and emotional blockages and disease information as well as to grind and transform the ego step by step. At the same time, it is a path into meditative silence, in order to increasingly develop knowledge and wisdom and to ultimately become aware of one’s true self. Those who truly recognize themselves can answer the great questions of life: Where do I come from? Why I’m here? What is my task? Where do I go? Recognizing yourself, emphasized Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi, is not an easy task. Behind it lies a great philosophy of life, a holistic life science and a study of the cosmic laws with the future-oriented objective and vision to unite heaven, earth and human in harmony and peace.
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Through regular exercise practice, we gradually raise our life energy levels and self-healing capacities so that diseases, centers of inflammation, pain and old information that have manifested in the body can vanish with time. It is an often longstanding transformation process which requires continuous practice and patience so that
▪ the energy channels (meridians) are opened and remain open
▪ all organs work harmoniously and are in balance
▪ the nerve paths are cured and their conductivity and optimal pulse propagation are ensured
The emotional balance and the stabilization of the spiritual heart power are essential prerequisites for a holistic development. By regulating and harmonizing our emotions like wrath, anger and worries, we become stable. Anxious and negative emotions dissipate, joy of life, serenity and ease increase
With increasing levels of energy, good health and a quiet heart, it is possible to develop the soul powers with the aim of recognizing oneself and cultivating the true and sincere self. If our consciousness grows in a modest attitude, latent potentials and access to cosmic levels, knowledge and wisdom are increasingly opened up and deeper insights are given.
When man has succeeded in all these stages, this process ends in the revelation of one’s unity with the highest pure cosmic energy of origin and creative power, the YiQi.
The YiQi – Cosmic Soul

To understand the core of the YiXue culture, we need to start with YiQi. Yi means ONE. In this context ONE means perfection, oneness and origin of all existence.
Qi stands for the energy, which pervades and vivifies everything. Thus, this pure and highest origin energy can be explained as the most uninfluenced and healthy basic element of anything existing. It permeates and influences the whole universe, nature and all life. It gives information to all living beings, navigates their development, their differentiation and their being. The pure energy YiQi is the beginning of any evolutionary process, a source of healing, vigor and inspiration.
YiQi is the main reference source in the YiXue culture and it is the energy which is applied to the holistic development of body, heart and soul. Anyone who learns to consciously receive it and thus to use it for his/her health, owns a true treasure.
The Qi – Energy of life

According to Wei Ling Yi, only he/she, who is aware of Qi, the energy of life, feels it and learns how to treat it with care, will be able to govern it, and thus determine his own life and well-being.
Qi is the subtle energy of the cosmos and bears light, power and information. Even if it is neither comprehensible, nor tangible, nor visible, it is still existent and sustains, navigates and regulates all processes of life. In the East, this vital energy has been investigated for centuries and has been applied for the benefit of health. In China, the knowledge of the energy of life and its practice resulted in the development of manifold types of Qigong.
The more freely Qi can flow through our bodies by regular practice and the more our energy level increases, the healthier we are. Qi and blood flow easily through a healthy body; there are neither blockades nor painful parts. Any physical and organ functions work in harmony. We are full of power and energy; it is a perfect, ideal state of health, which is also referred to as Return to a Child’s Body.
Learning to sense the quality of Qi
There are different types and qualities of Qi – like Qi of the sun invigorating plants, Qi of the organs sustaining organ functions or Qi of a place, where the information of past events is still existent. Qi is most likely graspable if the individual learns how to sense it and to experience which effect it has on our body and our surroundings. For example: If we enter a house and we have a sensation of cold and feel the need to quickly leave this place, it usually means that we are uneasy with the energy of this location. It can be said that the Feng Shui of this house is not good, distorted information got stuck in there and literally chased us off. However, if the Qi of a house is in balance and harmony and the Feng Shui is good, we take a seat voluntarily, feel at ease and like to dwell there.
In the context of humans it is similar. There are people, in whose proximity we feel very much at ease so that, often unconsciously, we don’t want to leave them at all. This is because these people have an elevated energy level and a highly developed, harmonious and shining charisma so that humans and animals like to be near them.
Lotus – Spiritual transformation

The Lotus flower is revered in Asia as a sacred plant. It has always stood symbolically for spiritual transformation and for the spiritual development of man, which leads to attainment of perfection. It is rooted in the mud, it grows purposefully towards the light and opens above the water surface to its unique, true beauty and perfection.
The Lotus is symbolic of the spiritual development and cultivation path of man. Through a deep transformation process he frees body, mind, heart and soul from old information, energies, blockages and illnesses, in order to develop holistically and unfold his true self. Living in harmony with the universe, nature and all living beings and feeling closely connected to all is the ultimate aim.