Song Lian - Lotus Giving Travel Sweden

31AugGanztägig09SeptSong Lian - Lotus Giving Travel Swedenwith Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi | registration is open


August 31st – September 9th, 2024

Song Lian – Lotus Giving Travel Sweden

YiXue – a pathway to holistic health, self realization & wisdom
Discover The potential of the YiXue with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

Welcome to YiXue, a path to holistic health, well being, growth and deep transformation. Every single human being has the innate potential to achieve good health, real happiness, and harmony in all aspects of life. If you’re seeking relief from physical ailments, looking for emotional and mental stability, wanting to understand yourself and the world, or searching for more spiritual growth, the YiXue pathway offers teachings and methods to support your individual needs. 

YiXue can help us improve all areas of human life including the physical body, Qi (energy) and consciousness, while developing our spiritual heart and manifesting our true potential (True Self). The moving and still practices in the YiXue (Lotus Great system), and the Qi (energy) healing methods are essential tools that guide and support us along the way. As a YiXue practice deepens, so does its impact on you, your family, your world.

Meet Wei Ling Yi at the SONG LIAN TOUR SWEDEN from September 1st – 9th, 2024. Join his lectures  .  Get to know YiXue methods, lotus dances and lotus mantras  .  Longtime YiXue practioners will share their cultivation stories. 

1/9 | kl 13.00-18.00 | Röstånga
Seminarium med föreläsning och Yixue-praktik / På donationsbasis
Röstångagården, Humlegatan 5, 26 868 Röstånga
Kontakta : Jane Cimmerbeck, tfn +46 73 818 84 49
Registrering and kontakta: Jane Cimmerbeck, tfn +46 73 818 84 49,

3/9 | kl 18.30-21.30 | Stockholm
Seminarium med föreläsning och Yixue-praktik / På donationsbasis
Hälsans Hus, Fjällgatan 23 B, 116 28 Stockholm
Registrering and kontakta: Jane Cimmerbeck, tfn +46 73 818 84 49,

5/9 | kl 17.00-22.00 | Vitaby
Föreläsning – och mantrakväll / På donationsbasis
Eka Gård, Torupshusvägen 16, 277 36 Vitaby
Registrering and kontakta: Jane Cimmerbeck, tfn +46 73 818 84 49,

6 – 8/9 | ’Sitting on the lotus’ in Simrishamn
3-dagars intensivt meditationsseminarium / Kursbidrag: 249 Euro
Marint centrum, Varvsgatan 4, 272 36 Simrishamn
Registrering and kontakta: Veronica Lindeberg, tfn +46 79 340 70 48,

In the following PDF download you will find all information about the trip, the travel route, accommodation options and the planned program.

Download information Sweden trip


31. August 2024 - 9. September 2024 (Ganztägig)(GMT+02:00)

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