Yi Qi Bi Gu Half-Fasting

23AprGanztägig25Yi Qi Bi Gu Half-Fastingwith Grandmaster Wei Ling Yicourse fee 249 EuroMoved OnlineONLINE


23 – 25 April, 2021

EFFECT: Expulsion of old energies and information, holistic energy build-up for body, heart and soul, development of consciousness for a healthy diet.

Half-Fasting Seminar Yi Qi Bi Gu with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

YiXue Basic Seminar for Beginners & Advanced Practitioners
Course fee: 249 Euro per participant.

Note for new participants
New participants should have already got to know Wei Ling Yi online or in face-to-face seminars/lectures. Those who have never participated in a Bi Gu seminar should first contact the organisers before registering.

Organisation & Contact
Petra Köbinger Tel: 08062 / 9223; Mail: petra.koebinger@web.de or
Regina Stolle Tel: 06578 / 7319; Mail: reginastolle@gmx.de



Or copy the following link into your browser: https://v2202004119103114941.luckysrv.de:8443/yixueweb

The Yi Qi Bi Gu Half-Fasting Seminar is a high cultivation method from the tradition of the Great Lotus System, a universal health and wisdom system that was spiritually transmitted to Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi at a young age. From this tradition, the Yi Qi Bi Gu fasting seminar includes methods that are different from other known types of fasting.
Literally translated, the Chinese word Bi Gu means “renunciation of grain (Gu)”. This includes abstaining from animal products, bread, sugar and stimulants. During the half-fast, we eat only vegetables, fruit and water.

The seminars are essentially characterised by the energy transmission of Grand Master Wei Ling Yi through the drinking of energised water. This particularly activates the body’s defences and self-healing powers and strengthens the immune system. The fasting process is supported by one’s own practice of absorbing energy from nature and the cosmos, as well as by exercises for the expulsion of toxins, sick Qi and negative information.
Strong feelings of hunger usually do not occur. Tiredness and malaise give way after a few days, so that seminar participants soon feel light, carefree and powerful. Many complaints, aches and pains and inflammatory foci diminish or dissolve completely during the fasting period.

Due to the current situation, we offer the introduction to this fasting method online. Afterwards, it is relatively easy to integrate fasting into everyday life and to continue it for a few days, weeks or even months. Through regular fasting it is possible to cleanse the body and mind, to change the diet holistically and to eat increasingly more consciously and healthily.

We ask that all participants attend all seminar times. In this way, we can develop and stabilise the energy field together in connection with Grand Master Wei Ling Yi and the universal original energy Yi Qi.


Friday, 23.4.21
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: Organisational meeting with all participants
8:00 p.m.: Lecture by Wei Ling Yi with transmission of the fasting information, drinking the energised water together.

Saturday, 24.4.21
10:00 a.m. – approx. 11:00 a.m.: we practice exercises together
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: practice together
8:00 p.m.: Lecture by Wei Ling Yi with energy transfer, drinking the energised water together

Sunday, 25.4.21
10:00 a.m. – approx. 11:00 a.m.: we practice exercises together
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: practice together
8:00 p.m.: Final lecture by Wei Ling Yi, possible exchange of experiences

Preparation for the seminar

  • Vacuum flask (or thermos) to be able to drink hot water at any time.
  • YiXue rice bag (method of tapping technique for elimination and energy building) for the joint practice. New participants can tap with their fists or order a rice bag (36 Euro) at the YiXue Education Centre: Mail address lotusshop@yixue.de
  • 2 x bottles of still mineral water
  • 3 x red dates (available in Chinese shops or pharmacies selling Chinese teas). Alternatively, you can use normal dates without pits. These are not eaten, however, but only held in the mouth during meditation and then discarded.
  • Various vegetables and fruits according to taste, dried fruits and/or nuts.

Organisation & Contact

Regina Stolle Phone: 06578 / 7319; Email: reginastolle@gmx.de

Petra Köbinger Phone: 08062 / 9223; Email: petra.koebinger@web.de or

Course fee: € 249 per participant; you will receive an invoice after the seminar.


23. April 2021 - 25. April 2021 (Ganztägig)(GMT+02:00)

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