HIGHLIGHT IN SEPTEMBER | 24 – 26 September 2021 YiXue basic seminar, meditation – and cultivation weekend for all interested people Weekend Retreat in Silence –
HIGHLIGHT IN SEPTEMBER | 24 – 26 September 2021
YiXue basic seminar, meditation – and cultivation weekend for all interested people
We would like to cordially invite you to the online seminar “Sitting on your own Lotus – safe, stable, grounded” with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi from September 24 – 26, 2021. We will start the seminar on Friday, 9/24, at 4:00 p.m. (CEST). See below for more programme times and the registration link.
Participation requirements: the seminar is open to beginners and advanced students and is a basic seminar to participate in advanced cultivation seminars. New participants are kindly requested to attend the lecture by Wei Ling Yi on September 11 at 8pm in preparation and to contact the organizer Susanne Ludwig before registering:
Susanne Ludwig FON: 0171 / 430 1231, MAIL: s.ludwig@yixue.de
Course fee: 249 Euro per participant
Registration for the online seminar – please click on the LINK
or copy the following link into your browser: https://v2202004119103114941.luckysrv.de:8443/yixueweb
For all of us it is a completely new situation that we can participate in the meditation seminar ’Sitting on the Lotus’ from home. In order to build up the common energy field and to deepen the effect also at home, it is desired that we focus inward the whole weekend and speak as little as possible. For the effect it is also useful to avoid distractions like watching TV, shopping, long phone calls etc.. This way our soul and its luminous power within us can come into effect and support us best.
The practice of “sitting on the lotus” enables us to come to rest, to let our heart become still and harmonious, and to dive into the natural immersion of emptiness; a state that makes it possible to receive healing energies and information for body, heart and soul, and to unfold wise insights.
We ask that all participants attend all seminar times if possible. This way we can build up and stabilize the energy field in connection with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi, the universal origin Yi Qi and in the community.
A request from the organizing team is that all participants – including married couples, families, apartment communities, etc. – even if they participate in the online seminar together, register individually and pay the course fee. Many thanks. As already described, it is important and desired that you participate in all seminar times, unless it is not possible for you for health reasons.
Course fee: 249 € per participant
If you have any questions, please contact Susanne Ludwig, EMAIL: s.ludwig@yixue.de, Mobile: 0171 / 430 12 31
For the seminar the following is needed
Friday, September 24, 2021 (timezone CEST = Central European Summer Time)
4:00 – 5:00 p.m. ONLINE: Organizational meeting with all seminar participants
8:00 – approx. 10:30 ONLINE: Lecture by Wei Ling Yi and joint meditation “Sitting on the Lotus
Saturday, September 25, 2021
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (not online): EVERYONE GOES INTO SILENCE FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR: Meditation “Sitting on the Lotus” (not online)
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. ONLINE: Joint practice of exercises
8:00 – approx. 10:30 ONLINE: Lecture by Wei Ling Yi and joint meditation “Sitting on the Lotus
Sunday, September 26, 2021
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (not online): EVERYONE GOES INTO SILENCE FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR: Meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”
4:00 – 5:30 p.m. ONLINE: Joint practice of exercises followed by exchange of experiences
8:00 – approx. 10:30 ONLINE: Lecture by Wei Ling Yi, joint meditation “Sitting on the Lotus” followed by farewells
24. September 2021 - 26. September 2021 (Ganztägig)(GMT+01:00)