an interview with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

’Only our love can save the Earth’

What is special about 11.11.? 

“11.11. is an important day in terms of time and space. On this day a cosmic gate opens and it is especially favourable to regulate global information. It is the best time to harmonise cosmic qi, earthly qi and human qi. The date comes from our spiritual tradition, the YIXUE culture. The aim is that through the joint energy work of as many people as possible, the energy of the cosmos, the earth and the human being will find their way back into the natural yin-yang balance.“

How does a Global Energy Transmission work? 

“This work is a form of energy and information work that goes beyond the third dimension and happens on the spiritual level, the YIN level. It is a form based on thought power and spiritual healing. The more people with an aligned, compassionate energy participate and connect in an energy transmission, the higher the power to regulate the cosmos, the earth and all living beings. We have been doing this global energy work in YiXue for many years and the experience shows us that we experience good effects through this joint work. Most important during an energy regulation is the power of faith, the belief in one’s own power and the possibility to bring about good things together.“

Why is such work important at the moment? 

“These three levels – cosmos, earth and human being – are in a great disharmony. They are no longer in balance. The cosmic qi, the earthly qi and the human qi are getting more and more into a chaotic state and there are increasing problems. The cosmos and the earth are suffering under the present conditions. Regulation on their part is shown, for example, by the increase in natural disasters.

The real problem is that we as human beings no longer abide by the natural laws of the cosmos and there are cosmic laws that we must observe if we want to live healthy, holistically and in peace with heaven, earth and humanity. The cosmos and nature also have their natural laws. They carry consciousness, a high consciousness, they also have a soul, and they follow their tasks. Nature has its natural cycle, the seasons, growth. When we plant a pumpkin, a pumpkin grows, not a cucumber. The moon, all the planets follow their given orbit. The sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening. The earth too follows natural laws.“

Who is responsible for the chaos on earth?

“From the multidimensional, energetic perspective, we humans have affected cosmic qi, earthly qi and also our own qi through our behaviour. Problems are cropping up all over the world. It affects all countries. Many people also have problems, are annoyed and angry. The impairment is now so massive that the cosmos and also the earth can no longer bear this burden. Now they have begun to regulate themselves. A lot has happened, especially in the last two years. Many catastrophes appear, such as flood disasters, long periods of heat, fire disasters, volcanoes erupt, the outbreak of the Corona crisis.

It’s similar to us humans, when we are permanently under stress, we get sick. For example, if we catch a cold, then our body and our defences start working to regulate themselves again.“

Greed is the real reason why the balance between heaven and earth and the harmony and peace between all living beings has been lost. So, too, the Corona virus has lost its original mercy and balance, spreading rapidly across the planet and causing bitterness and suffering in many families. People are ready to wage wars and to fight to assert their interests. Through our desire to possess more and more, the eternal striving for power, for money and possessions, we have lost access to our hearts, to our souls. We lose ourselves in the outside, in matter, instead of turning inwards to open ourselves to the knowledge and wisdom of higher dimensions.

So we ourselves are responsible for our problems. But many people do not yet realise this. They are afraid and pass on the responsibility. Others realise that we ourselves are responsible, but they don’t care, they are disrespectful towards the earth and other living beings. One problem is the emotions in our hearts, which have enormous power. Humans carry yin and yang information. When both sides are in balance, we are holistically healthy, the body, the heart and the soul. It is important that we learn to regulate and balance our emotions quickly when we lose our stability. When we are in our centre, peace can unfold in the heart.

The spiritual guides, saints in heaven, but also deceased ones, our ancestors, they are actually afraid of bad thoughts, of the unbalanced emotions of us humans and the power that comes with it. By now it is well known how powerful thoughts can be and that we create our world, our reality, through our thoughts.“

How do we solve the problems?

“It is important that people learn about the laws of life and rediscover and develop their spiritual power, their mental power. Everything is made of energy. Every energy carries information and every thought carries information. And the question is, what quality does the information carry, how much power, what intention is behind a thought, behind words and deeds.

The spiritual tradition of YiXue is about exploring the connection between mind and matter, to get to know our mental power and to increase our dynamic life energy. We train the power and speed of our thoughts to bring about good in the world. Scientists have found that thoughts carry power and that thoughts that carry high power can do much. This spiritual power is the power we use when we work with energy transmissions. It is important that in addition the spiritual power of the heart is high, the heart is compassionate and carries good information. Hope also carries power and good wishes that we can express from the heart to bring about good.“

What specifically can we do? 

“From a celestial point of view, from a spiritual perspective, we should recognise that we are harming the earth, the cosmos and thus ourselves through our unconscious behaviour. In order to evolve ourselves, we can repent and apologise for our unconscious behaviour. Asking for forgiveness carries great transformative power.

We can chant mantras. In our culture we recite the protective mantra Ma Ya Hai. The sound waves of the mantra carry high vibrational information and energies to harmonise cosmic qi, earthly qi and our qi. We will only return to global harmony and peace when we again cooperate with the earth and the cosmos and align ourselves with cosmic laws. We can learn to listen to the cosmos and the earth again. The cosmos and the earth speak with us through the exchange of energies and information, one could also say telepathically. But unfortunately we no longer listen to them, nor do we listen to the spiritual, celestial guides, you can also call them saints, whose task it is to teach us how to raise our consciousness and develop wisdom. Then we will realise how we are all connected through a gigantic energetic information network. 

The path to awareness leads through silence. In meditation we can gain insights and develop wisdom from them. This is the path and an often years-long, a lifelong, holistic process we call life cultivation with the aim of healing the body, balancing the emotional heart and unfolding the soul light. The higher our energy level rises, the healthier, freer and happier we become.”

Only our love can save the earth

“It is high time that we realise that only our respect, mercy and compassion can end the suffering on earth, to resolve problems like natural disasters, wars, and misfortune.

People who are highly cultivated are in the natural yin-yang balance, their energy and cultivation levels are high. They appeal to us not to harm other living beings, the earth and the cosmos. If we harm others, we basically harm ourselves. Everything that we give out in terms of information, through our thoughts, through our words, through our way of acting, comes back to us many times over according to the law of resonance and the law of cause and effect – bad as well as good.

It is important that we start with ourselves and change. Only when we develop peace in our hearts do we change the world through our radiance. These are ancient, human wisdoms and it is possible for every human being to learn to evolve to a high level of consciousness in order to unfold the heart qualities such as respect, truthfulness, kindness, empathy and love for their own good and for the good of all.”


“May we be healthy and safe in this time of crisis. 

May we, through our virtuous, our 

Gong De heart, carry others. 

May we unfold the light and peace within us.” Wei Ling Yi 


Interview with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

YiXue Education Centre, November 2021