Back to Children's Heart & Children's Joy

11Jun20:0022:30Back to Children's Heart & Children's Joyback to the lightness of BEING – Online Lecture by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi


LIVE Online Talk | 11 June | 20 – approx. 22.30 hrs | Donation from the Heart 

Back to children’s heart & children’s joy – back to the true nature of BEING

A talk with silence, energy transmission and a virtual journey into childhood

Introductory words by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

“In essence, the quality of a childlike heart is original, the purest spiritual state, still in the beginning of all emotion. Only when we feel the original heart again, experience its quality and our pure child heart unfolds, then we can find our true, pure, spiritual I.

As a child, we naturally have a true, kind, gentle, happy and selfless heart. To develop these qualities in ourselves again, we practice the sacred “Hundred Child Gong” and cultivate one of the most important wisdoms in the YIXUE – “When the heart laughs, the lotus opens.”

Through continuous, successful practice and life cultivation, the happy, pure BEING of a golden, holy child can be experienced again. Then we can happily and liberated “fly through the blue sky”.

During the lecture with silence and energy transmission, Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi will accompany us back to our childhood to let our beautiful childlike heart, joy and true happiness come alive. During this inner journey we receive the life information of a happy, beautiful childhood that can nourish us into old age. Those who find their childhood heart again will be able to enjoy a long, healthy and happy life.

“Let us realise the true meaning of a long life.
Let us sing the song Bu-Lao together: ‘Don’t say I’m old.
Let us cultivate young minds and a childlike heart.” Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

For all interested 

All interested people are welcome to get to know and enjoy the unique energy field and the way of working of Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi; a spiritual lecture with energy transmission for the power and light of body, heart and soul.


Click the button or copy the following link to register for the lecture:

For questions about registration and/or technical support please call 0049-35242 4888-138 or MAIL:

The gift of a great master – working in the universal information field

All those who know Wei Ling Yi have already experienced it: in his lectures, which usually do not follow a defined theme, questions are answered and wishes fulfilled, even if we only formulate them inwardly in silence.

Wei Ling Yi works from the moment and the spiritual, higher dimensional level, acting as a channel and energetic catalyst. His special ability is to communicate with the participants through the hearts and from soul to soul and to receive their current issues and wishes spiritually. Those who open up and let go will receive the right and effective information for them, which vibrates at a high energy level, regulates holistically and initiates healing.

The Goal of Life Cultivation in YIXUE
Through our own life cultivation and in YiXue intensive seminars, we ourselves learn to open or strengthen the connection to the cosmos and to work with universal information in order to use it to build up our dynamic life force.

Participation in the YiXue online lectures is on a donation basis. 

The online lectures are offered by the non-profit YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH. We ask for a donation from the heart to support the centre and the work of Wei Ling Yi. Thank you very much for your support.

Donation account

YiXue Education Centre gGmbH | Postbank Berlin

IBAN DE52 1001 0010 0850 5511 00 BIC PBNKDEFF

Reason for donation (please do not add anything else)

Please note: Donations are tax deductible. If you would like a donation receipt, please state your full name and address on the transfer. We will then send you a donation receipt.



11. Juni 2022 20:00 - 22:30(GMT+01:00)

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