Rice bag special Mi Dai FuTi

27JanGanztägig29Rice bag special Mi Dai FuTi


Rice bag special Mi Dai FuTi I 27 – 29 January 2023

Participation requirements: Participation is open to all YiXue practitioners who have participated in at least two basic Mi Dai seminars (online and/or YiXue Education Centre).

Course fee: 360 Euro, special rice bag 64 Euro

PLEASE NOTE! As special rice bags will be made for the intensive seminar, the registration deadline is 30 December 2022


Seminar content

In this seminar Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi will further deepen the knowledge of foreign information – called FuTi in the YiXue: How can we identify FuTi? How can we communicate with them? How can we practise with the FuTi rice bag? We will learn how, by cultivating a compassionate, kind heart and equanimity, we can touch FuTi to help them raise their energy level. Nurtured, they will eventually leave us voluntarily. They will be able to find their way and start their own cultivation.

Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi explains the knowledge of the power of FuTi in the following words:

“In the three-dimensional world, we as human beings are incessantly coming into contact with post-natal matter and absorbing life information of different qualities. If the human being gets out of balance and his energy level drops, then he is weakened. In this state, foreign information (FuTi ) can enter his system.

FuTi are information in their own appearance in search of energy. We humans can be welcome hosts for FuTi to feed on us energetically. In doing so, they affect our lives and health. FuTi that influence us unnoticed can also cause us to go against natural laws, to realise desires that do not really serve us, or they enable us to temporarily develop supernatural powers.

In whatever information, FuTi share with us our body and our system, causing our development, energy level and cultivation to be affected, losing ourselves in desires and getting on the wrong path. The FuTi Reissack method can help us to better understand, learn and deepen the energetic laws. We can learn to successfully eliminate all extraneous information so that we are able to solve our problems ourselves and cultivate successfully.

May we unleash Jin, Qi and Shen – our essences, our energy and the sacred – within us.

May we open the Golden Lotus in our heart.” Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi

Further background on the subject of FuTi

The gift of being accompanied by a master like Wei Ling Yi is great. Since he acts from higher dimensions and levels of consciousness and can connect with our soul, it is possible for him, by working in the information field, to transform foreign energies that we ourselves – despite all our practice and cultivation – cannot transform on our own if we lack the necessary strength. Thus, the information and energy transmissions in the seminar are of far-reaching significance for our lives. Through rice bag tapping we expel foreign energies and at the same time cultivate our life (Yang Sheng). Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi, with the help of his team, will practice with us methods that raise our own energy level and that of the FuTi. The high energies that Wei Ling Yi transmits during the seminar nourish us as well as the foreign information that is attached to us. The aim is that these foreign entities no longer depend on our life energy and can leave our system (body, heart, soul).

With the seminar we also deepen the help for self-help. To be successful on this path, it is indispensable that we continue to practise after the seminar. Through regular practice with the special rice bag, we take our health of body, heart, mind and soul into our own hands and step by step continue on the path of life cultivation.

What are FuTi?

FuTi is the traditional term, today’s term is: ill-making information. Fu means: attaching Ti means: being. Fu Ti are information and energies that cling to us. According to the understanding of the YiXue teachings, they are living beings that carry their own essence and which we often do not notice and grasp at all or only imperfectly. They can affect and control us without our recognising it. Every Fu Ti has its own origin, its own energy level and its own form of appearance. It can be ancient information and foreign beings from other lives, but also parasitic information from this life.

How do FuTi enter us? When our emotions are out of balance for a long time, it weakens our life energy. Every weakening of our life energy opens the door for foreign influences, for unhealthy information and energies. If we cannot transform them, then they nest inside us and feed on us to develop themselves further.

The MI DAI FUTI rice bag

For the seminar we need a special rice bag, which we receive exclusively in a FuTi seminar. It carries special information and is prepared for us personally by Wei Ling Yi and his team. Wei Ling Yi transfers an energetic protective sign (Fu Hao) onto each rice bag, which contains and radiates power and healing information. The rice bag can be used for one year.

Order rice bag

You can order the Mi Dai FuTi rice bag in the lotus shop at Mailadresse: lotusshop@yixue.de for the price of 64 Euro. You will receive it by post. You can send the old FuTi rice sacks with the box and the inscription “FuTi rice bag” to Beelitz. They will be disposed of here.

Course fee: 360 € per participant; after the seminar you will receive an invoice plus FuTi rice bag: 64 euros.

Do you have any questions? Please contact:

Waltraud Babbe, Mail: lotushaus-preetz@yixue.de, Mobil: +49-(0)173 530 2066 or Susanne Ludwig, Mail: s.ludwig@yixue.de, Mobil: +49-(0)171 430 12 31.

If you have any questions about online registration, please contact our registration team: Email: anmeldung@yixue.de Fon: +49(0)35242.4888-138


Friday 27 January

16:00 Introduction of Mi Dai Team and organisational meeting with all participants

20:00 – 22:00: Welcome, short meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”; afterwards lecture with energy transmission by Wei Ling Yi

Saturday 28 January 

10:00: joint online rice bag practice with recitation Ma Ya Hai at 11 a.m.

16:00 – 17:00: joint online rice bag practice

17:00 – 17:00: exchange of experiences, questions & answers

20:00 – 22:00: Welcome, short meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”; afterwards lecture with energy transmission by Wei Ling Yi

Sunday 29 January

10:00: joint online rice bag practice with recitation Ma Ya Hai at 11 a.m.

16:00 – 17:00: joint online rice bag practice

17:00 – 17:30: exchange of experiences, questions & answers

20:00 – 22:00: Welcome, short meditation “Sitting on the Lotus”; afterwards lecture with energy transmission by Wei Ling Yi



27. Januar 2023 - 29. Januar 2023 (Ganztägig)(GMT+02:00)

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