Event has already taken place!
Los Angeles: 1:00 P.M. (PT) / Hawaii: 11:00 A.M. / Edmonton (Canada): 1:00 P.M. / New Zealand: 10:00 A.M. / Singapore: 5:00 A.M. / Sweden: 10:00 P.M. / Malta: 10:00 P.M. / Greece: 11:00 P.M.
How can the individual human being contribute to a reharmonization of the energies on earth?
In this global crisis, more and more people are asking themselves whether − beyond their own protection − they could do something for Mother Earth. Because obviously the appearance of the Corona virus is only the consequence of the fundamental disharmony between man and nature, so that animals, plants and the forces of the earth are increasingly turning against us.
The most important and so far, most neglected energy on earth is the Qi of the human being.
Every living entity permanently emits Qi and interacts with all other living beings, nature and the cosmos. This is how man can with the love of his heart influence his environment, plants and animal life. If we, at cosmically outstanding times, „bundle” our Qi and combine it with the special powers of a Grand Master we can help Mother Earth so that she can regulate herself and can get back in harmony.
Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi invites us to join him on 11.11.2020 during the great, global energy regulation, because this date offers enormous widespread power. Take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity. Inform your friends and acquaintances via social media. The detailed program, including important information for the quiet, balanced heart and the increase of the general energy level are included. The new, holistic HARMONY grows out of the hearts of people!
11:00 a.m. – 11:11 a.m.: Yang Transmission from home
Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi transmits the first part of the energy regulation at Yang time (Yang transmission)
10:00 p.m.: LIVE ONLINE Lecture with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
Preparation: After we shower and put on clean clothes we adopt a meditative posture (or sit quietly and upright on a chair) and participate with open and balanced hearts in the transmission of energy.
This lecture is on a donation basis
The natural disasters of the last decades show that the harmonious interaction of man with Mother Earth is broken. The wild animals have lost their natural habitats and now come close to human beings.
It is a cosmic law of nature: Everything that lives carries energy, light and information. All living beings interact with the earth as well as with heaven (cosmos) and strive via evolution to reach higher energy levels. Every person permanently emulates his/her inner Qi to the outside and thereby influences animals, plants and energy flows. Greed and ruthless selfishness cause chaos and fights. The best, and most constructive energy of man is the Qi of the heart. When we bring in our loving heart into the global energy transmission of Wei Ling Yi, we can achieve great things together.
11:00 – 11:11 p.m.: LIVE Online Energy Transmission by Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
ONLINE directly after the lecture: Great energy regulation by Grand Master Wei Ling Yi for Mother Earth and all living beings. We send Mother Earth and all living beings energy, light and love. (Yin transmission)
Supplementary information:
EVERYBODY can contribute to this reorientation. Therefore send this invitation via all media and spread it all over the world.
In order to strengthen the effect – also within ourselves – it makes sense to recite the Mantra “Ma Ya Hai” 49 days every evening at 21:00 – 21:11. With the Mantra we send out healing sounds that stimulate our souls and go into resonance with them. Click here to listen to the Mantra: https://yixue.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/YixueMantra-MaYaHai-1.mp3
Do you have any questions? Please contact: info@yixue.de
Participation is on a Donation BasisWe offer this online lecture on a donation basis and ask everyone who listens to the lecture to make a generous donation out of their own heart. We are happy for every donation.
For all EU countries please send your donation to:YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH | Postbank BerlinIBAN: DE52 1001 0010 0850 5511 00 BIC/ SWIFT: PBNKDEFF
Purpose: Donation (please do not write anything else apart from ‚donation’)
For United States and Canada please send a check as your donation to:Wei Ling Yi FoundationP.O. Box 480789Los Angeles, CA 90048