The launching of the YiXue Educational Programme (YEP)under the leadership of WEI LING YI
2018 was a great year for the YiXue Teachings in Malta. Following the two professional research reports on children and professionals issued by the University of Malta re YEP (YiXue Educational Progarmme) the Malta Lotus Group is finally proud to move on to its next 2 year YEP project with Grand Master Wei Ling Yi, this time in Malta state schools.
Tuesday 20th November 2018 marked the official launching of the YiXue Educational Programme at Gharghur Primary, a school within the Maria Regina College. A group of 5 experts in the field accompanied Wei Ling Yi from the Educational Centre in Nossen Germany.
The classes selected were three, a year 1 class and two year 2 classes (one of which hosts a majority of foreign students). Accompanying and attending the sixty students were their three Teachers and three Learning Support Assistants together with the SMT and the head teacher who followed the course almost every day.
Wei Ling Yi’s Method better known as YiXue Practice “employs special exercises to enhance brain activity, communication, alertness, intuition and social behaviour. These exercises aim and are used to increase intelligence, higher awareness and the unfolding of latent potentials in students. This generates self-confidence and a positive mental outlook.”
Through his simple explanation and exercises all students and staff alike were introduced to this method over a four day seminar-workshop. In the evening of the final day all parents and families were invited to witness the work done by their children, and also participate to experience the beauty of this training. The College Principal Mr Patrick Decelis was present for this event which was heavily supported by the presence of the families of the children.
This training is being practised everyday by the teachers and classes involved with the support of members from YiXue Malta. The children are very happy and they have adapted themselves to these exercises which complement and enhance their learning.
The University of Malta is following this process with interest following the previous research report they presented two years ago entitled Evaluating The YiXue Educational Pogramme YEP 2015 . The research was conducted by the Department of Counselling within the Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta.
The aims of the research were to measure the effectiveness of the Wei Ling Yi Method on the psycho-social profiles of the participating students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)/Learning Difficulties (LD) and then to offer recommendations for further research, implementation and policy based on its findings.