Event has already taken place!
Be part of it! 11.11. Love & Qi for Mother Earth Lecture & Global Energy Transmission for Mother Earth with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
or enter the following link into your browser: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C2dHHtiMS-CMMlS7ajTEcA
The annual date of 11.11. offers a unique opportunity for a perfect connection with the creative power of all life, the “YiQi” (energy of 1 / of origin). On this special day of interconnectedness of all living beings, Lotus Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi conducts an energy transmission for the regulation of worldwide information,
You are invited to participate with the power of your heart in two energy transmissions on 11.11.2021:
1. EVERYONE AT HOME: energy transmission at Yang time from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m.
2. LIVE ONLINE transmission with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. with an energy transmission at Yin time from 11:00 p.m. to 11:11 p.m.
Everyone is also invited to repeat the meditation on the following 10 days from 11:00 to 11:11 am and from 11:00 to 11:11 pm. The last global energy transmission will take place on 21.11.2021.
The lectures are on a donation basis.
We would like to thank you in advance for your kindness:
Siegbert Moog, FON +49(0)176.56856116 MAIL s.moog@yixue.de
The alarming state of our planet requires urgent and immediate action. The entire biosphere with its mutually interacting Qi fields has fallen into chaos, leading to increasing disasters and conflicts. We humans are the causers of this global and very deep crisis – and at the same time we have the responsibility and ability to support Mother Earth in her regeneration and re-harmonisation.
For this we do not need financial resources, sophisticated technologies. We need a loving, open and compassionate heart for our planet Earth, which is like a universal mother for us, whom we treat with love and respect.
Modern man has unfortunately forgotten that with the vibration of his heart he emits – automatically and incessantly – Qi into his environment, which influences all living beings, plants, animals and Qi fields. This means: we are always interacting actors, not merely helpless bystanders in the information field of the earth. If we bring in our love and gratitude instead of greed and egoism, we can contribute to the harmony of Mother Earth and the entire biosphere.
If many people unite their thoughts and hearts with the Qi of the cosmic creative force at a perfect, cosmic moment, they can influence the Qi fields of the Earth. For this purpose, we will connect with Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi on 11/11 at 11am and 11pm and support the global energy transmission.
The Global Energy Transmission y Grandmaster Wei Ling Yi
Great Masters are able to see, harmonise and regulate energies even over great distances. Lotus Grand Master Wei Ling Yi, who has selflessly served humanity for more than 60 years to support them in their quest for wisdom, dedicates much of his current work to re-harmonising Mother Earth. By realigning the world’s energy flows and Qi fields in harmony, he reduces or prevents many disasters and gently supports the self-regulation of our planet.
Join hands, work hand in hand. With our hearts united in love for Mother Earth, we are able to help our planet. The power of our united Qi can support Mother Earth in her extremely difficult, chaotic situation to find the natural harmony of energies again. Regardless of origin, nationality, faith or spiritual conviction, all children of the Earth are invited to participate together in a worldwide meditation for our planet on 11/11. to participate together in a worldwide meditation for our planet on 11/11.
Let us unite in harmony and in the awareness that our mother, the Earth, urgently needs our love and respect. We, humans, have over-exploited her resources and disrupted the energy cycles. She suffers from our disrespect for all life.
1 Meditate
On 11.11. go into silence at the above mentioned times. Bring your hands together to form the lotus bud in front of your heart and connect with the original source of all life, the creative power “YiQi”.
2 Receive & send out Qi – 11 minutes
Receive the cosmic forces of creation (Qi, light, information) for a few minutes through the open hands with the palms facing the sky. Then bring the hands in front of the body at eye level and point the palms forward to give the energy, light, power and love received to the earth.
3 Conclusion
Chant or recite the YiXue protective mantra “Ma Ya Hai” or a short prayer for Mother Earth. Conclude by collecting and storing the Qi and all blessings with your hands below the navel. Click the following LINK to listen to the AUDIO file Ma Ya Hai for support: https://yixue.de/en/support-during-the-corona-time/
Blessings of Qi, light, love and joy!
Find your timezone here: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Please note! Online participation / English interpretation
We make use of the webinar platform ZOOM for our online events. Download the PDF below for further instructions about participation.
English interpretation
1. Voice volume during the lecture: Because of ZOOMs interpretation system, the volume of Sifu Wei Ling Yi’s voice will be reduced when choosing the English interpretation channel. The interpreters voice will be clearly audible.
2. Quality of interpretation: Our interpreters from German to English are not professionals, but speak English fluently and will do their best to offer you a good translation.
How to join the lecture an English Interpretation
How to prepare for the Online Lecture
Donations from the heart
Support the YiXue Education CenterDue to the Corona crisis, we had to completely shut down the seminar operations in Germany. We are grateful for your donations which support the non-profit YiXue Education Center and the YiXue organization during this crisis. Thank you very much.
For all EU countries please send your donation to
YiXue Bildungszentrum gGmbH | Postbank Berlin
IBAN: DE52 1001 0010 0850 5511 00
Purpose: Donation (please do not write anything else apart from ‚donation’)
For USA & Canada please send a check as your donation to
Wei Ling Yi Foundation P.O. Box 480789 Los Angeles, CA 90048
For all countries except USA & Canada
Donate online via TransferWise
Read more about TransferWise: https://yixue.de/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/YIXUE@MoneyTransfer-1.pdf
11. November 2021 21:00 - 23:30(GMT+02:00)
Event has already taken place!